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The life of a youth pastor is interesting. In order to stay relevant it is beneficial to understand youth culture. In many cases it’s just as beneficial to dress and speak the same language, “When in Rome” and all that… As I grow, I’m 30 now, my perception has started to change and what used to be pass as comfort wear now seems lazy. Recently Bethany and I were watching Warm Bodies a Zombie love story, yes, I just said that. Throughout the movie you hear the inner monologue of the lead zombie while he tries to discover who he is. I cannot remember the exact quote but the essence of it was “Well… you’re wearing a hoodie which probably means you’re unemployed.” Ouch. I know it’s ridiculous but that got me thinking, I always wear hoodies, what does that say about me? The older I get the less relevant I feel to those my age.

I’m 30, but I don’t feel like an adult. Overall, I don’t dress like an adult either. The only thing about me that feels adult-ish is my body as it gets more and more achy. To quote Aaron, the vocalist of MeWithoutYou “I’m like a child dressing in my parents’ clothes.” I may look the part on the outside but on the inside I feel like I’m just playing adult dress up.

There’s the part of me that wants to be like the incredibly successful nerds on Big Bang Theory world renown scientists rocking green lantern shirts proudly. The other part of me wants to have one of those cool leather fitted jackets I see on TV all the time. Who says subliminal advertising doesn’t work? BryceIsAwesome I want to get a European cut suit with one of those skinny ties, nice shirts and nice comfortable shoes. I want to get my shoes shined! Is that to much to ask?? To have a pleasant conversation with a guy who’s shined shoes all of his life? Think of the stories I’ll hear! One day… One day…

Until then I’m in a state of arrested development trying to break through to the next level of maturity. I’ll get there. One day my grandma and my wife won’t be the only people to buy me new clothes that get me compliments. One day, I’ll purchase a new coat, or shoes, or shirt and I’ll receive that ever covited compliment. One day… maybe today? Well no, not today, today I’m going to see the Poastal Service play… Hoodie? check. TOMS? CHeck. Perhaps I’ll grow up Tomorrow.

It’s good to have a goal right?



  • Anthony Mendoza says:

    yo, yo, yo… here’s the deal. I felt the same way. then kids came along. kids will wake you the heck up and nothing will matter except taking care of your family. my wife is lucky I wear pants. I try to play music still, but it’s taken a back seat… not the back seat of a sedan… the back seat of an accordion bus. it sucks, but I definitely feel like an adult. I wear a button down shirt to work. when I get home i’m in a tank top and shorts all day. toms? nope. chucks? nope. 10 year old flip flops? check.

    • admin says:

      Yeah, I mean in the end I know this. I know all people are different so it’s unrealistic and unhealthy to compare me at 30 with other people at 30. Sometimes though it’s on my mind ya know? I miss flip flops so much….

  • Andrea says:

    I know how you feel! I used to dress up…then I had kids… I know some moms who look awesome every time I see them with makeup and everything! I’m lucky if I have a chance to comb my hair! I try to take the time to gussy up a bit when I sing on worship team, but that’s as fancy as I’m going to get for a while!

    I did get mistaken for a high-schooler last Sunday though! I’m not quite sure what to think about that…I felt pretty good about it at the time but does that mean I dress like a teenager? I’m way more comfy in my yoga pants anyhoo! 😛

  • danielle says:

    I feel that way also. When I got my most recent job teaching, my main goal was to find some “adult clothes”. I still rock the FOX brand, vans, and hoodie clothing, because that is all I know. I look at other 38 year olds, and they dress up, wear heals, wear makeup. I, on the other hand, have never worn heals nor wear makeup. Does that make me less grown up? I don’t think so. I think it makes me stuck in the past, but I want to feel comfortable. Also if you say I look like a teenager, I might have to kiss you 🙂

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