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It’s Wicked! Seriously, that’s the name of the musical. Wicked is the whimsical story about the witches of the land of Oz, from Wizard of Oz Fame. What did I think of this musical? Kind of a chick flick. I guess I can’t call it a flick because it has live actors / actresses. Perhaps a Chicksical? Yeah let’s go with Chicksical, not to be mistaken with a popsicle made out of chickens. But I digress.

I went into Wicked in a bad frame of mind. After eating Crepeville with my extendies (extended family) I drove over to the Memorial theater. I waited for my family members for 35 minutes on the steps of the Memorial Auditorium. “I know they’re walking, but come on.,” I thought to myself. Eventually as I waited helping a mom bring her stroller up the steps, guiding two girls to the nearest coffee shop a just out of high school student arrived on the scene.

“How long until they’re done?” He asked.
“I hear it’s about 2 hours and 45 minutes” I replied.
“Wow, mine only took an hour and a half.”

It was at this moment my world split. All the pieces were coming together. My family had not arrived. The well dressed ushers had not stopped me when I walked in and out. People were cheering in unison every 10 – 20 seconds. I was not waiting on the steps of the musical Wicked. I was waiting outside Sac High School’s graduation at Memorial Auditorium. I quickly excused myself, found a taxi and asked him where Wicked was playing. He quickly guided me to the Sacramento Convention at the foot of K St. I showed up write as the first curtain raised. By this time I was a little frustrated, late, hungry and thirsty from jogging around Sacramento in my worn and tattered TOMS. I called Bethany to have my ticket brought to me. Moriah came and explained what had happened so far, it was a lot, don’t miss the first 7 minutes. We finally got up to our seats in the double nosebleed section and my migrane began. A migrane based on our distance from the stage and squinting, not quality of the performance. That migrane however would shape how I felt about the evening. Not great…

Wicked follows the misrepresented “wicked” witch and her at first nemesis then friend the “good” witch. Where Wicked’s strength lies it’s story telling. The writers of wicked seamlessly wove their tale into the world and structure of the Judy Garland classic. Not to legitmize the most recent Star Wars movies but it reminded me of when I saw how old Ben Kenobi got onto Tatooine where he would eventually meet the future Luke Skywalker. To nerdy? Maybe… nope. I liked this aspect of the play because it really brought the original movie away in a brand new way. The musical also did a good job at making you believe that the wicked which wasn’t so much bad as misrepresented by “the Man.” The man being the lead public relations officer of the Emerald City. She accepted the “short straw” to protect the lives of her and her loved ones. Pretty cool story telling. Instrumentally the music was whatevs, singing however was very good. I was constantly impressed by the vocalist range, acting and dynamic. Overall wicked was fun. However in the moment I just wanted to leave due to the ever growing migrane.

It was not until a few days later I looked back at the play with fond memories. I, with man card intact, would suggest seeing Wicked. Though perhaps wear a wide brim hat, dark glasses and disguise mustache so you can’t be recognized by friends or colleagues.

Totes Adorbes,

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