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Last call for boarding on Bryce’s train of thought bound for Cameron Park, CA….

I was on my way to work today and I noticed a bumper sticker that said “99%” with a half and half blue and red background. I assumed it was something political. From there my mind reminded me of a comedian named Demitri Martin who said about bumper stickers “A lot of people don’t like bumper stickers. I don’t mind bumper stickers. To me a bumper sticker is a shortcut. It’s like a little sign that says ‘Hey, let’s never hang out.'” “So True” I said to myself chuckling.

From there my mind focused on the “99%,” It’s not very often that percentages come up for me in day-to-day life. Typically it’s either design related or eating out related. I don’t go out to eat to often, perhaps because I’m in that 99%, but when I do I try to tip well. Bethany is a waitress, excuse me server (gotta be PC) / bartender and so a good portion of our income comes from tips. Those are really the only places percentages consciously enter my life.

I then remembered a time, I’ll say about 10-12 years ago, when I was attending Celebration at First Covenant Church on Sunday nights and my friends and I would often go to Denny’s afterwards. Perhaps another indication that I’m in the 99%. Anyways, I like to pray before my meals. My mom always told me if I didn’t it would go straight to the hips. I’m pretty sure the science is still out on that hypothesis, but I like to do my due diligence. For a long time my friends and I would ask our server if there was anything we could pray for them about when we pray for our meal. Sometimes we got weird looks, sometime we got genuine thanks and prayer requests. Either way I think it was worth asking. I mean What was it going to hurt? Maybe we’d get a little embarrassed, but should we? Should I? I don’t think so. But somewhere down the line I stopped doing it and I regret that.b I think we should be excited to pray for our servers. I’m not sure if you knew this but servers aren’t often treated well, I know… mind blown. What a simple way followers of Christ can encourage others and bring people before a loving God who cares. Who knows how God will use it, but I’m pretty it will be used more than our inaction.

So that’s my challenge: Pray for your servers! Treat them as you would like to be treated. Allow yourself to be used this week.

You’ve now reached your destination. Goodbye.



  • BC says:

    The best! Thanks for being PC! Just treat us like human beings and not slave robots- thanks! (I pray for my tables- so it’s nice to see the favor returned!) … But I don’t ask them what I can pray for because I’d probably get fired.

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